At the end of the season, Emily and I hosted a flower arranging class, right here at Linden Lane Farm, and it was completely delightful.
Everyone that came genuinely had a great time. There was a lot of laughter, a lot of smiles, a lot of ooohs and aaahs.
Emily and I took turns talking about floral arranging and covered topics such as form, color, texture, variety, etc.
After teaching and demonstrating, we turned everyone loose on the flower field, allowing them to wander about, exploring the flowers as they cut and designed their own bouquets.
It was fulfilling to watch everyone learn and gain more confidence. Some started out pretty apprehensive, some dove right in, but by the night, everyone was smiling and felt good about what they had created. And if being surrounded by flowers and good company wasn't enough, we closed the night with cheesecake!
It was truly a great night for everyone, and we have plans to do many more in the future. Make sure and sign up for our email list (under "contacts") to learn about upcoming events.